'Midnight Mansion is an extremely well-done old-school platformer fit for gamers of all ages' Ian Beck, InsideMacGames 'If you were a fan of Dark Castle or similar games, check out Midnight Mansion. It's a well executed blast from the past.' Peter Cohen, MacWorld Magazine. Mac OS versions 101 Bally Slots. Bunker Run: Bunny Killer 2: Jonathan Sweet 1993 Arcade. Open Source 10.3.9-10.6 Midnight Mansion: Mighty Mike (formerly Power Pete).

Astronomical Image Processing System
Special MacIntosh OS X instructions

The 31DEC21 version of AIPSis available as our active development version. It is likely tochange on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. The older 31DEC20 version is 'frozen'although some patches for it may be made. They both contain a portto the MacIntosh OS X (Darwin) operating system for Intel cpus. Theport is no longer new and the code and instructions below have becomestable.. Binary installations, where possible, are recommended and havebecome fairly routine. Users doing a text installation will need toinstall the full set of GNU compilers and readline fromGNU-provided source code. The binary installation provides load modulesand run-time libraries build by gfortran (beginning with 31DEC19), Theperformance matches that of the old Intel compiler. The advantage ofgfortran is that it is for 64-bit computers while the Intel compilerapparently produces 32-bit load modules. These will not work on Mac OSversion 10.15 which is now the OSX level on the machine that preparesthe binaries. Most Mac users run the binary versionof AIPS and update with the 'Midnight Job'. The instructions below maywell not be current. Please ignore them and simply follow A Guide to the Install Wizard unless you haveto compile the code yourself.


The binary versions of 31DEC21, 31DEC20, and 31DEC19 are for 64-bit computers running Mac OS/X 10.10 or greater. Previously, 31DEC18 through 31DEC16 were for 32-bit (or 64 bit) computers running Mac Os/X 10.7 or later. 31DEC15 and earlier were for 32-bit (or 64-bit) computers running Mac OS/X 10.4 or later.

The El Capitan version (10.11) of the operating system made library load paths illegal. The work-around for 10.11 and all later releases is a script we call fix_aips_macos.sh which install.pl will place in several directories including $SYSLOCAL and $AIPS_ROOT. At an appropriate point in the binary installation, install.pl will pause and instruct the installer to use a second terminal window to execute this script. It must be run under bash with sudo privilege. This sets up a variety of links to enable AIPS load modules and TV to function.

The new Mac OS versions have caused some issues. Yosemite and El Capitan both appear to delete some (not all) of the XWindows libraries. See http://xquartz.macosforge.org/landing. to re-install X11.

The code maintenance software cvs also does not come with Mac OS/X any more. NRAO gets this from macports. See https://www.macports.org/ports.php?by=name&substr=cvs for information. The MNJ in 31DEC17 and later vesrions has been changed so that cvs is no longer required for binary installations; it is still used for text installations. Note that macports does require Xcode developer tools (v7+ for 10.11). Apple still lists a *free* developer membership, that just requires an Apple ID on their membership comparison page https://developer.apple.com/support/compare-memberships/ which gives access to the developer tools download(s).

When your installation (perl install.pl -n) has finished there will still be two things to do.

  1. When the installation has finished, copy /etc/services to some area you own and edit it, adding the lines
    You may have to comment out some conflicting services, all of which we believe are obsolete. Then
    sudo cp services /etc
    and enter your password when required.

  2. On the latest (X 10.5 and greater) systems /etc/rc is gone and creating it will have no effect. You need to create an /etc/sysctl.conf file and put these values in it, Note: You will need to reboot the system for the change in shared memory to take place. You can check if the shared memory changes happened by typing sysctl kern.sysv in a terminal or xterm window. Look for the kern.sysv.shm* values. If the values have not changed, make sure you haven't inadvertently left in sysctl -w in the /etc/sysctl.conf file or mis-typed one of the values. If the /etc/sysctl.conf file is not properly formatted, or shmmax is not an integer multiple of shmall, the shared memory will not be adjusted after the reboot. Note that with large screens, the shmmax may not be enough. A value of 16777216 or more may be required.

  3. On recent systems you must not set the DISPLAY environment variable. Max OS/X sets it to some strange string which works.

  4. To run the midnight-job ('MNJ') you will need rsync and, for versions 31DEC16 and before, cvs (Concurrent Versions System).


Table of Contents

Many thanks to Kristy Dyer and Michael Rupen of NRAO who loaned aniBook computer for this development and who provided much need helpand encouragement in the process. Boyd Waters (NRAO) and Miguel F.Morales (MIT) also provided considerable advice. Juan Cabanela (St.Cloud State University) was at the forefront in dealing with problemsthat arose therafter. A number of other Mac owners have alsocontributed time and effort. Wes Young, formerly of the NRAO AIPSGroup, was instrumental in developing the binary installation processand debugging OS/X issues.

Basic downloads required

Binary installations of AIPS will need the basic tools 'cvs' and'XWindows' in non-developer form. If you are doing a textinstallation, i.e. are compiling the code yourself, then you will needFortran and C compilers and a variety of software developers toolsincluding those for XWindows.
  1. Mac OS X Developer Tools: You will need the basic software developers' kit from Apple. It contains the C compiler and lots of other goodies, and is available for free. The developers' kit may be available in '/Applicatons/Installers/Developer Tools'. Use the finder to see if it's there, click on Applications, then Installers, then Developer Tools. If it exists then double click on the package icon and install the compiler. If the Developers' Tools are not available on your hard drive, they may be available from CD if you bought your OS/X version. If you have the CD's locate the Developers' Tools CD (Xcode disk) and install the 'Developers' Tools' package from disk. One final place to get the 'Developers' Tools' is from the Apple Developer Connection (ADC). Details on the ADC are (or were) available at the ADC membership page, while details of the Developer Tools are available at the tools page. Once you're a member, you can go to http://connect.apple.com site log in and snag the software.

  2. You will need XWindows for either a binary or a text installation. See http://xquartz.macosforge.org/landing/ to re-install X11.

  3. For a text installation, you also need the XWindows software developers kit which contains the C include files needed to compile XAS. This should be available in the xquartz installation.

Installing the GNU compilers and readline: text installations only

  1. Download the GNU tar balls from GNU. gfortran version 5.3.0 and later appear to work.

  2. Disable the line from your account's .tcshrc, .cshrc, or .bashrc file if present. Note that this may have dire consequences for other Fink-supplied utilities and is probably not needed any more. The default Fink gcc has also been of an acceptabloe flavor of late.

  3. Follow instructions to install the compilers. Old instructions which used to work are

  4. Install readline using

File systems

  1. The file systems that you use for AIPS should be fully modern ones. Please use 'MACos extended, with lower-case support' file systems. The 'FAT32' file system does not allow, among other things, the rename system operation which AIPS requires.

Now install AIPS

  1. Following the instructions for installing the 31DEC20 version of AIPS. After install.pl has been downloaded, it will need to be made executable. Run it with the command perl install.pl or edit it to set /usr/bin/perl rather than /usr/local/bin/perl in its first line. (The command perl install.pl -n is used for the binary installation.)

  2. Make sure on screen 10 that readline points to the /usr/local/gnu/libreadline.a version.

  3. When the installation has finished, copy /etc/services to some area you own and edit it, adding the lines
    You will have to comment out some conflicting services, all of which we believe are obsolete. Then
    sudo cp services /etc
    and enter your password when required.

Now run AIPS

  1. Start up /Applications/X11.ap/Contents/MacOS/X11.

  2. In the xterm that this creates, type the aips command line and begin your aips session.

But there are problems

  1. If things do not work properly, e.g. the TV does not start, see the AIPS Manager FAQ or above for suggestions. On modern systems, you MUST NOT set the DISPLAY environment variable.

  2. The default Mac system limits shared memory pages to 4 Mbytes. When XAS starts it tells you that it is making a screen x pixels by y pixels. The memory you will need is at least 4 x y bytes. For the new large screens this is more than 8 Mbytes. See instruction 2 in the initial section at the top of this page.

You WILL want a Midnight Job!

If your site has a need for the current version of AIPS withupdates via the Internet and the so-called midnight job, Read this information. It has additionalinformation and instructions. Or contact EricGreisen for further information.

Since releases of AIPS are planned to be only on an annualbasis, the midnight job (now with easier setup and NO ssh) will be theonly way for AIPS users outside of NRAO to avail themselves in atimely fashion of whatever enhancements, changes, or new functionalitywe add to Classic AIPS.

Modified on $Date: 2020/12/02 22:44:04 $
[Eric W. Greisen]

Abstract : Midnight Commander (MC) is one of the few tools I’m still using since I’ve been inducted into software engineering more than 10 years ago (for comparison I’ve changed 5 integrated development environments (IDE) ). MC is classified as “a visual file manager” but for me is something much more, it’s an engineering booster. In fact it’s my fist IDE (MCedit supports color highlighting for various programming languages). In short, MC is one of those few things that changes your world. That’s why I’m going to show you how you can painlessly integrate MC with Mac OS X bash terminal.

Goal : Configuring Midnight Commander under Mac OS X bash terminal

Acknowledgement : My gratitude goes to the open source community and especially to:
Miguel de Icaza – creator of Midnight Commander, Gnome, Mono, Gnumeric (and I guess other cool stuff)

Let’s get started!

Installation: I’m a huge fan of homebrew (thanks Max!) and I advise you to install it and work with it. In short, Homebrew is “the missing package manager for OS X”. Installing Homebrew is as easy as running the following command in the terminal prompt:

Once you have Homebrew, installing MC is exactly three words:

Side note: You may wish to install bash-completion and take advantage of the Tab key on the terminal prompt. If so, do the following:

… and ensure that your .bash_profile has the following content inside:

Note that you have to perform:

Midnight Run Mac Os X

or re-open your terminal for the changes to take effect.

Mac OS X – fixing the shortcuts mess: No, I have no idea why the Apple guys have created such a big mess with the keyboard shortcuts. And yes, it’s up to you, my dearest reader, to decide if you want to fix it as I suggest. Here is what I’ve done so that I can use my Functional keys (the F keys):

Midnight Run Mac Os Catalina

Go to:

… and make sure you have All controls checked

After that go to:

… and make sure you have Use all F1, F2 etc. keys as standard function keys checked

Midnight Run Mac Os 7

Next open a Terminal and go to:

… and make sure you have Use option as meta keyunchecked.

Now, every F9 will enable MC menu bar and every F10 button press will exit MC (instead of doing a complex fingers split which may not work but which will certainly hurt your hand).

Midnight Run Mac Os Download

Playing with MC shortcuts: What about the cool MC shortcuts? Before I present you with some of the shortcuts mapping you should be aware that pressing two times the Esc button will close any MC pop-up or search box, and that there are three types of shortcuts:

  1. Pressing (and releasing) Esc and then pressing another key
  2. Pressing and holding Ctrl and then pressing another key
  3. Using the Functional key

Here are some mappings:

Keeping working directory after exiting MC: Now, I find this MC feature really cool but of course it’s up to you to decide if you want to enabled it or not. In case you want, make sure you have the following (or similar, depending on the midnight commander version) line in your .bash_profile:

Note that you have to perform:

or re-open your terminal for the changes to take effect.