Recreated Story Adventure Game of Jekyll and Hyde! Enjoy this classical novel ahead of its time through a Visual Novel style Text Game! Mystery Visual Novel, Detective Story Game This story game is based on Jekyll and Hyde's original story, set in 19th century London. Chasing clues from crimes and unraveling the mystery through the Adventure Game.
Ruby and RubyGems are usually installed by default on Macs. Open your Terminal and type which ruby
and which gem
to confirm that you have Ruby and Rubygems. You should get a response indicating the location of Ruby and Rubygems.
If you get responses that look like this:
Great! Skip down to the Bundler section.
However, if your location is something like /Users/MacBookPro/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.1/bin/gem
, which points to your system location of Rubygems, you will likely run into permissions errors when trying to get a gem. A sample permissions error (triggered when you try to install the jekyll gem such as gem install jekyll
) might look like this for Rubygems:
Instead of changing the write permissions on your operating system’s version of Ruby and Rubygems (which could pose security issues), you can install another instance of Ruby (one that is writable) to get around this.
Homebrew is a package manager for the Mac, and you can use it to install an alternative instance of Ruby code. To install Homebrew, run this command:
If you already had Homebrew installed on your computer, be sure to update it:
Now use Homebrew to install Ruby:
Log out of terminal, and then then log back in.
When you type which ruby
and which gem
, you should get responses like this:
And this:
Now Ruby and Rubygems are installed under your username, so these directories are writeable.
Note that if you don’t see these paths, try restarting your computer or try installing rbenv, which is a Ruby version management tool. If you still have issues getting a writeable version of Ruby, you need to resolve them before installing Bundler.
At this point you should have a writeable version of Ruby and Rubygem on your machine.
Now use gem
to install Jekyll:
You can now use Jekyll to create new Jekyll sites following the quick-start instructions on
Some Jekyll themes will require certain Ruby gem dependencies. These dependencies are stored in something called a Gemfile, which is packaged with the Jekyll theme. You can install these dependencies through Bundler. (Although you don’t need to install Bundler for this Documentation theme, it’s a good idea to do so.)
Bundler is a package manager for RubyGems. You can use it to get all the gems (or Ruby plugins) that you need for your Jekyll project.
You install Bundler by using the gem command with RubyGems:
If you’re prompted to switch to superuser mode (sudo
) to get the correct permissions to install Bundler in that directory, avoid doing this. All other applications that need to use Bundler will likely not have the needed permissions to run.
Bundler goes out and retreives all the gems that are specified in a Jekyll project’s Gemfile. If you have a gem that depends on other gems to work, Bundler will go out and retrieve all of the dependencies as well. (To learn more about Bundler, see About Ruby Gems.
The vanilla Jekyll site you create through jekyll new my-awesome-site
doesn’t have a Gemfile, but many other themes (including the Documentation theme for Jekyll) do have a Gemfile.
jekyll serve
at the end.)After making an edit, Jekyll auto-rebuilds the site. If you have the Gemfile in the theme with the github-pages gem, you may see the following error:
If you see this error, you will need to take some additional steps to resolve it. (Note that this error only appears if you have the github-pages gem in your gemfile.) The resolution involves adding a Github token and a cert file.
To resolve the “No Github API authentication” error:
Open the .bash_profile file in your user directory:
The file will open in your default terminal editor. If you don’t have a .bash_profile file, you can just create a file with this name. Note that files that begin with .
are hidden, so if you’re looking in your user directory for the file, use ls -a
to see hidden files.
In your .bash_profile file, reference your token as a system variable like this:
Replace abc123...
with your own token that you generated in step 1.
Open your .bash_profile file again and add this line, replacing Users/johndoe/projects/
with the path to your cacert.pem file:
Browse to your jekyll project and run bundle exec jekyll serve
. Make an edit to a file and observe that no Github API errors appear when Jekyll rebuilds the project.
You, the esteemed Dr. Jekyll, suddenly find yourself on a plane of dread. Horrible creatures inch toward you. Do you dare let go ? Do you have any choice ?
Notes for Mac users: CTRL+arrow keys may already be bound by the OS. If so, check System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts, and temporarily disable them. Or use WASD instead.
Made for the GMTK Game Jam 2020, by Sarah, Massimo, Jan, Joram and Kris.
Status | Released |
Platforms | Windows, macOS, HTML5 |
Author | iffalsepanic |
Genre | Survival |
Tags | Horror |
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