Summary: This page shows over 130 examples of what you can accomplish with filters and other effects in Gimp.If you know how to use Gimp and just want a reference page of what the effects look like, I hope these examples are helpful. I recently spilled a little bit of coffee on my new macbook pro. I took off the keys, cleaned it out and held a blow dryer to it for a little and it was working fine. Then slowly (within the next 30 minutes or so) some keys would stop working, then whole rows of keys, etc. I then turned my computer upside down to let it drain and dry out. Then the computer turned blank. I left it upside down.
SLIME is a Emacs mode for Common Lisp development. Inspired by existing systems such Emacs Lisp and ILISP, we are working to create an environment for hacking Common Lisp in.
This frugal page is an invitation to learn more about what's going on.
.SLIME works with GNU Emacs versions 21 and later, and with XEmacs version 21 on Unix, OSX, and Win32.
The currently supported Common Lisp implementations are:
Our source repository is hosted at github:
You can also grab the latest release.
We have a manual (as pdf) that explains what SLIME can do and how to use it.
Various tutorials about SLIME are available on the 'net:
You can report bugs at the bugtracker.
The mailing list is used for all SLIME discussions. This is where to ask questions and generally participate in the development.
To post messages to that list you must be subscribed.
Chatter about SLIME happens on the #slime channel in the Freenode IRC network.
SLIME is an Extension of SLIM, which was written by Eric Marsden in mid-2003. Luke Gorrie and Helmut Eller took over development to create SLIME as a traditional 'open-source project.' Since then the hacking has continued at a rapid pace as many more hackers joined the fray.
A (hopefully) complete list of code contributors appears in the SLIME manual.
HTML style shamelessly stolen by Luke Gorrie from the sawfish homepage.
Any remaining HTML-conformance is solely due to Stephen Caldwell.
Last updated: 2019-01-16